An activity is anything that a trainee wishes to record in their portfolio. Trainees can compete a blank activity form or select from one of the pro-formas. Activities can be mapped to the curriculum to show evidence of competency either directly or through a current PDP item to show that the PDP item has been achieved.
Step 1: Click on +New Activity in the portfolio card on the dashboard of the trainee account.
Step 2: Enter a name for your activity or select from one of the proformas.
To select a proforma, start typing the name of the proforma (Case Log, Reflection or Supervision).
Step: 3: Complete the form.
When completing the details on the form, trainees will be able to assign the activity to a predefined category, a folder, add a tag, add an attachment, keep the activity private or enter the CPD type. If an activity has been kept private, it cannot be viewed by anyone other than the trainee.
Step 4: Click on Submit or Save as Draft.
Upon submitting the form, trainees will be alerted if any required fields have been missed.
Once successfully submitted, the trainee can map an activity to a curriculum directly, map an activity to a curriculum through a current PDP item, edit an activity or create a follow-up.
Supervisors along with trainees can comment on an activity.
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