Trainees can allow other people to view their portfolio by granting them access as a supervisor. This gives trainees some control over who can view the information in their portfolio. The supervisory roles available on FOM PortfolioBuilder include:
- Educational Supervisor
- Clinical Supervisor
- Training Programme Director
- Temporary Supervisor Access
- Local HEE LETB/Deanery Administrator (NSOH Trainees Only)
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to give a supervisor access to your portfolio.
Step 1: Log in to FOM PortfolioBuilder and go to our Portfolio page.
When you view your portfolio page, a second level of navigation opens allowing you to view different sections of the portfolio, one of these contains the supervisors that have access to your portfolio.
Step 2: Click on Supervisors
Step 3: Click on + New Supervisor Relationship.
Step 4: Specify the type of supervisor you wish to register.
Here you can choose from the different types of supervisor roles available.
Step 5: Click on Add Supervisor.
Step 6: Enter the email address of the supervisor.
Step 7: Click on Nominate.
If the email address you enter is already linked to an account on FOM PortfolioBuilder, then that account will immediately be given access to your portfolio. If the email address you enter is unrecognised, we'll send an email inviting the person to create an account.
End supervisor Access to your Portfolio
For updates and advice on the FOM PortfolioBuilder, follow @fomportfolio on Twitter.
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