The online training portfolio is designed to be trainee-led with facility for supervisors, assessors, schools etc. to access the system to perform any necessary tasks.
The term supervisor with respect to the online training portfolio can mean anyone with a supervisory role.
Access to trainee portfolios is automatic for people like Heads of School and Directors of Medical Education, but a trainee's portfolio must be explicitly shared with the following:
- Educational Supervisor
- Clinical Supervisor
- Training Programme Director
- Post Graduate Dean
A trainee can register these supervisors from their account. A step-by-step guide on how trainees do this called Add a Supervisor to your Portfolio can be found on our Online Help Desk along with other step-by-step guides and useful articles.
Once a trainee has nominated a supervisor, the supervisor will receive an email prompting them to accept the nomination and create an account.
A supervisor account has some features which are the same as that of the trainee, such as the 'Dashboard' and the 'Profile' page, but other features are different such as the 'Trainees' page. Other users such as Heads of school have access to other pages such as a page for the school or organisation.
The Dashboard
The dashboard is a page you see when you log in to your supervisor account and is where the most useful or frequently used features of your account are.
The supervisor dashboard has two main sections:
Outstanding Tasks
Supervisors will receive notifications on their dashboard under the section 'Outstanding tasks'. These will include tasks such as releasing MSF feedback, completing an assessment, completing a review etc. some of these tasks are automatically generated by the system. Some appear following requests made by a trainee. You can't see the Outstanding Tasks section, it means there aren't any pending tasks for you to complete.
Trainee Portfolio Cards
The supervisor dashboard displays a list of portfolio cards for all the trainees currently under the supervisor's supervision. The portfolio cards are designed for the supervisor to get a snapshot of where each trainee is at. The supervisor can click on various parts of a portfolio card to learn more about a trainee and a trainee's progress. It is from here that the supervisor can navigate a trainee's portfolio.
The Profile Page
The Profile page contains the supervisor's personal information and is where the supervisor can edit their details, manage their email addresses and manage their passwords.
The Forms Page
This is where the supervisor will find any past forms they have completed or partially completed. Supervisors can use the filters on the left of the page to find a form. Forms which have been completed and submitted will have the status 'completed' and will be visible to the trainee. Forms which have been only partially completed or have been saved as a draft will have the status 'in progress'.
The Trainees Page
This page contains a list of all the trainees currently under your supervision. If supervisors have trainees on the list they no longer a supervisor, they can end the supervisor access here.
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