The following reviews are currently available on FOM PortfolioBuilder:
- Supervision Session
- Educational Supervisor Report
- Form R
Supervision Session
Following a meeting with a trainee, supervisors may wish to write up notes in the Supervision Session document storing it electronically in both their own account and in the trainee's portfolio.
The supervision session form is designed to record a summary of a conversation between a trainee & a supervisor along with any agreed further action.
One of the benefits of keeping these notes on the system is that a trainee can then comment on the document or create a follow-up PDP Item or activity to the review.
Trainees can prompt a supervisor to write this review on FOM PortfolioBuilder by requesting a review or a supervisor can write a review on a trainee on FOM PortfolioBuilder without a request from a trainee. These supervision session notes automatically feature on a trainee's ARCP Outcome Form so that ARCP reviewers can access them easily during a trainee's ARCP.
If a trainee wants to write up notes following a supervision session themselves, they add an activity to their portfolio and select the supervision proforma. Trainees should note that these forms will be stored in the trainee's portfolio, but will not automatically feature on a trainee's ARCP Outcome Form.
Educational Supervisor Report (ESR)
The Educational Supervisor Report is a type of review that summarises a trainee's learning in a given training level and is submitted to a trainee's portfolio for consideration at the trainee's Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP). Trainees can prompt a supervisor to complete this review on FOM PortfolioBuilder by requesting a review or a supervisor can write a review on a trainee without a request from a trainee.
Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP)
The ARCP is a review in which judgements are made about a trainee's progress against the competencies, and a decision is made as to whether or not a trainee is ready to move on to the next stage of training. The whole ARCP process can be completed online. For more information on this review, see our guides and articles in The ARCP Online.
Form R
The Form R has two parts, Part A & Part B.
- Part A asks for personal and contact information and is used to maintain the accuracy of data.
- Part B asks for information about your recent scope of practice, time out of training, and declarations relating to revalidation. This information informs the ARCP Panel to comment on your fitness to practice, which in turn informs the Dean’s recommendation to the GMC about your revalidation.
Trainees or deanery staff with the correct permission can Complete a Form R on FOM PortfolioBuilder.
For updates and advice on the FOM PortfolioBuilder, follow @fomportfolio on Twitter.
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