An Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) Reviewer can be only be removed from a school or organisation by a deanery administrator.
Please note that it is the responsibility of staff at the school to make sure the list of ARCP reviewers is kept up to date.
Step 1: Log in to your Deanery Administrator account on FOM Portfolio Builder.
Step 2: Go to the page for your region or school (i.e. NHS Education for Scotland, NSOH, Defence Deanery or NIMDTA)
Step 3: Click on the 'ARCP Reviewers' tab.
Step 4: Click on 'End' next to the name of the ARCP reviewer you would like to remove as a reviewer for your school.
Once an ARCP Reviewer's permissions have been ended, they will no longer be able to see any trainee portfolios prior to the trainee's review date. If they have other permissions, such as Training Programme Director (TPD), these permissions will not be affected.
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