Trainees need to store information about the posts they hold throughout training, any extended absences and time out of programme (OOP). They do this by adding a 'Career Entry' to the 'Career History' section of their portfolio.
Step 1: Go to the 'Portfolio' page of your portfolio on FOM PortfolioBuilder.
Step 2: Click on 'Career History'.
Step 3: Click on '+New Career Entry'.
Step 4: Select a proforma from the drop-down box.
Step 5: Click on 'Create New Activity'.
Step 6: Enter the details on the form.
It is important trainees enter information on a Career Entry accurately as the data on these forms is used, for example, to determine a trainee's ARCP provider and work out what percentage of training a trainee has completed.
Step 7: Click on 'Submit' or 'Save as Draft'
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