If you have been added as an ARCP reviewer for your school or organisation, you will have an account on FOM PortfolioBuilder with ARCP reviewer permissions.
This means that when deanery administrators schedule an ARCP for a trainee, you will automatically be granted read access to the trainee's portfolio two weeks before their ARCP review date up until the day after the trainee's review.
To review a trainee's portfolio for ARCP, ARCP Reviewers should log into their account on FOM PortfolioBuilder and find the trainee undergoing ARCP.
ARCP reviewers can search for a trainee using the search box.
Or use the links to the ARCPs scheduled for today on their dashboard.

Each trainee's ARCP has a section showing an overview of their progress to ARCP. ARCP Reviewers can view this by clicking on the link to the trainee's ARCP. All ARCPs can be found in the 'Reviews' section of a trainee's portfolio.
The ARCP Overview section shows useful information about a trainee's ARCP review period including information about ARCP requirements.
If ARCP reviewers would like to see other information in a trainee's portfolio, the tabs across the top of the trainee's portfolio can be used to navigate to the different sections.
- The 'Folders' page shows all previous and current folders for a trainee's training levels (eg ST3, ST4, ST5). Trainees typically have one folder per training level. ARCP Reviewers can used this page to see the curriculum mappings for each Training Level Folder.
- The 'PDP' page shows any current Personal Development Plan items a trainee is currently working on in a list with a brief summary of each one along with any associated curriculum mappings. Reviewers can use the filters, tags, or search features to navigate through PDP items and can open up the PDP Item to see further details.
- The 'Activities' page contains all entries in a trainee's portfolio including case logs and reflections. Reviewers may find, for example, a trainee's CV uploaded in this section. If a reviewer is looking for a particular activity or group of activities, they can use the search or filter functions. The reviewer might want to search for an activity with a particular title, category or tag for example. Reviewers can click on the activity to view further details including any mapped competencies or follow-up activities. The curriculum coverage view of activities can be accessed from this page. This shows the competencies in the curriculum as a list along with any associated mapped activities.
PDP coverage can also be viewed from the Activities page. - The 'Assessments' page is a subset of a trainee's activities and contains all WBAs including the MSF. If a reviewer is looking for a particular assessment or group of assessments, a reviewer can use the search or filter functions in the same way as on the activities page. Reviewers can click on an individual assessment to view further details including any mapped competencies or follow-up activities.
- The 'Reviews' section contains any reviews, reports and supervision meetings including any completed ARCPs. Reviewers can click on an individual review to view further details including any mapped competencies or follow-up activities. How can I find a trainee's Educational Supervisor Report?
- The 'Career History' page contains a list of all posts. Career entries contain useful information about CPD points and what % full time a trainee is working at.
- The 'Supervisors' page contains a list of trainee's supervisors. A supervisor is anyone in a supervisory role including clinical and educational supervisors and Training Programme Directors.
Once ARCP reviewers are satisfied that they have reviewed a trainee's portfolio, they may wish to complete an ARCP Outcome Form for the trainee. ARCP Outcome Forms are automatically pre-populated with information found on the trainee's account on FOM PortfolioBuilder and have any required fields highlighted.
If you have any queries, or require any help regarding reviewing a trainee's portfolio, please contact the FOM PortfolioBuilder support team on tel: 0800 987 1004 or mail: support@fom.portfoliobuilder.eu.
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