Step 1: Log in to your account on FOM PortfolioBuilder.
The role you have in a school or organisation determines which trainee's portfolios you have access to.
- If you are a Supervisor, you can only access the trainees you supervise. These will be on the dashboard of your account.
- If you are a Programme Administrator, Head of School or Deanery Administrator, the portfolios you can access will be on the 'Portfolios' page of your school/organisation page.
Each trainee has their own portfolio card. This portfolio card gives an overview of a trainee's progress.
In the example above, the portfolio card shows that the trainee has 74 activities in their ST3 folder. 18 out of the 21 competencies have activities mapped to them. The progress bar shows how many competencies in the curriculum, Occupational Medicine 2016, have activities mapped to them. In this example trainee's portfolio, 4 competencies have 3 or more activities mapped to them, 8 have 2 activities mapped to them, 6 have 1 activity mapped to them and 3 don't have any activities mapped to them.
You can find out more information about the trainee's portfolio by clicking on any of the links on the trainee's portfolio card. To view the trainee's portfolio in its entirety:
Step 2: Click on the trainee's name on the portfolio card.
By clicking on the trainee's name, you can see the trainee's whole portfolio.
The functions for your account can still be seen across the top.
The functions for the trainee account can be seen within the trainee's section of the page.
By navigating through the functions in the trainee account, you can see any content the trainee has not marked as private.
The folders page will show all the folders in a trainee's portfolio in a list. Typically, trainees create one folder per training level. Supervisors might use this page to view how a trainee's portfolio has developed over time.
The PDP page shows the trainee's Portfolio Development Plan. It shows any PDP Items the trainee is currently working on in a list with a brief summary of each one. You can use the filters, tags, or search features to find a particular PDP item and can open up the PDP Item to see further details or make comments.
The default view of a trainee's activities page is of all activities including assessments.
If a you are looking for a particular activity in the trainee's portfolio, use the search box to search for an activity with a particular title.
You can use the filter functions on this page to filter, for example, by type or category.
Each activity card shows a brief description of an activity along with any tags and attachments. In the example below, the activity has been given the tag 'life-long learning' and has one attachment.
You can click on the activity to view further details including any mapped competencies, any followups or to post a comment.
How do I find out how many of each WBA a trainee has done in a training level?
How do I find a trainee's WBA Summaries?
Curriculum Coverage
An alternative view of a trainee's activities page is the curriculum coverage view. This is where a trainee's activities can be viewed against the competencies in a curriculum. This is a useful view as it gives a visualisation of how much of the curriculum the trainee has covered and what they might need to focus on next.
The links to individual activities on the right of the competencies can be opened to view the activity's content. The bars show how many other competencies an activity has been mapped to.
Activities can also be viewed as PDP coverage.
PBtip: You can quickly navigate to the curriculum coverage page by clicking on the link on the trainee's portfolio card.
You can see all the online reviews here including notes from Supervision Sessions, the online Educational Supervisor Report, Form R or completed ARCP Outcome Forms.
Click on the link to the review to find out more including any mapped competencies, any followups or to post a comment.
Career History
This section shows the trainee's posts including dates and training levels, locations etc. It is the trainee's responsibility to keep this section up to date.
This section shows a list of supervisors a trainee has nominated for supervision including Educational/Clinical Supervisors and TPDs. It is the trainee's responsibility to keep this section up to date, however supervisors can end a supervisor relationship with a trainee if they wish.
Now that you know how to view a trainee's whole portfolio, you can dip into the parts which you need at any point.
If you are a supervisor and cannot see a trainee's portfolio card that you supervise, it may be that they have not added you as their supervisor, or have added you with the wrong email address.
If you have any queries, or require any help, please contact the FOM PortfolioBuilder support team on tel: 0800 987 1004 or mail:
For updates and advice on the FOM PortfolioBuilder, follow @fomportfolio on Twitter.
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