Trainees can conduct the annual MSF, otherwise known as the 360-degree feedback online on FOM PortfolioBuilder.
Trainees typically take part in one MSF per year In Occupational Medicine.
Before trainees start the online MSF process, they should approach the raters or 'assessors' they plan on nominating to ensure that they will be able to complete the form. This is an ideal opportunity to check what email address the assessor wishes to be nominated with as email is the method in which we use to contact assessors to invite them to complete the online MSF form.
Once trainees have done this, they then log in to their account on FOM PortfolioBuilder and nominate at least 10 assessors to complete the MSF. Trainees are limited to nominating a maximum of 20 assessors.
Once the trainee feels confident that they have nominated a suitable amount & spread of assessors with the correct email addresses, the trainee should then start the online MSF assessment.
Starting the assessment will initiate the sending of assessor nomination emails. Assessors will receive an email asking them to complete the online MSF form with a link to the form.
Trainees and assessors should note the emails are not sent instantly, as each takes a few seconds to process. Instead they are added to a queue. During busy periods it could take a short while for the email to be sent. It is not necessary to stay on the screen at this stage.
The email the assessors receive will state that the deadline to complete the form will be at 23:59; 14 days from the start of the assessment. Trainees should note that it is important leave enough time for the MSF to run its 14 day course. Trainees should take note of any upcoming ARCPs for example.
Trainees should note that the online MSF cannot be finished before the 14-day deadline. Why can't I end my MSF early?
Also, once the assessment is started, the trainee cannot change or delete nominations. If an email address needs correcting, trainees should contact the support team. Trainees should not nominate the same assessor twice. Doing so could invalidate the entire MSF.
Trainees can however, add further nominations right up until the assessor deadline, but we would recommend giving assessors as much notice as possible. If assessors are nominated close to the deadline, and they have difficulty completing the form, then the MSF could end before they have chance to resolve any issue they might be having.
Reminder emails can be sent to assessors by clicking on the 'Send Reminders' button. This will only send an email to those assessors that have not yet submitted a response form. In some cases, an assessor may think they have completed the form, but may have missed a required field. Those assessors will receive a reminder that states the form has been partially completed but has not yet been submitted.
Trainees can send reminders right up until the deadline. Forms must be submitted before the deadline. If an assessor starts the form before the deadline but submits the form after, it will not be accepted.
Trainees can complete an MSF self assessment online as part of the process.
Immediately after the deadline, feedback is produced. Anyone a trainee has registered as a supervisor can view and release MSF feedback. This may also include the Training Programme Director. In the exceptional situation where that is not possible, the Head of School can also release feedback.
NB: Feedback should first be delivered to the trainee by a supervisor in a face to face meeting to ensure that it is received in a educationally supportive environment.
Trainees cannot access feedback from their own account until a supervisor has released it to them.
If a trainee has an ARCP scheduled, the ARCP reviewers for the corresponding school can also see feedback even if it has not yet been released.
For more information on the MSF see the Forms, Support Materials, Assessor Training page on the Faculty of Occupational Medicine's website.
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