Step 1: Click on '+ New Assessment' on your Specialty Training Portfolio card on the dashboard of your FOM PortfolioBuilder account.
Step 2: Select the standard that you wish to assess against and select MSF (Multi-source feedback) as the assessment type.
Step 3: Click on 'Create Assessment'.
Step 4: Enter the email addresses of the assessors and nominate them.
You must nominate at least 10 assessors to begin.
Step 5: Click on 'Start Assessment'.
Starting the assessment will initiate the sending of assessor nomination emails asking them to complete the online MSF form with a link to the form. This sometimes takes a few seconds. The email the assessors receive will state that the deadline to complete the form will be at 23:59; 14 days from the start of the assessment. Trainees can continue add further nominations right up until the assessor deadline.
Please note that reminder emails can be sent to assessors by clicking on the 'Send Reminders' button. This will only send an email to those assessors that have not yet submitted a response form.
For further information, read our knowledge base article: Undertaking a MSF.
For more information on the MSF in general, see the Forms, Support Materials, Assessor Training page on the Faculty of Occupational Medicine's website.
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